Design: 3 Years in 3 Days
Branding and wayfinding developed for the "Design: 3 Years in 3 Days" exhibition in Portalegre, Portugal (2013).
O nome e sinalética desenvolvidos para a exposição "Design: 3 Anos em 3 Dias" foram escolhidos entre várias hipóteses, por serem o mais adequado e económico possível. Foi ainda projetada uma das salas de exposição (Sala Dois - Ilustração Manual e Digital) para este evento que acompanhou as comemorações do Dia Mundial do Design de Comunicação 2013 em Portalegre, Portugal.
The name and wayfinding developed for the "Design: 3 Years in 3 Days" exhibition were chosen among several hypotheses, being the most suitable and economical possible. Was also projected one of the exhibition rooms (Room Two - Manual and Digital Illustration) for this event which followed the commemoration of
the World Day of Communication Design 2013 in Portalegre, Portugal.
the World Day of Communication Design 2013 in Portalegre, Portugal.
Enquadramento do projeto
Project framework
Creation of identification and informational signage
Creation of direction and guidance signage
Creation of regulation signage
Before and at the exhibition pictures